[Photographs, Fujiflex CA & Silver gelatine/barite, diasec, 150 x 123 cm, 5+1AP, as well as portrait photographs to order]
Man and space = present. To what extent do people influence space, or does space influence people? The eyes are the windows into another dimension, they open up space.
The natural three-dimensionality of the large-format negative recording material gives the portraits a hyper-real presence.

The Friesian Family #01, 2009

The Oswalds #01, 2006

Politician (former mayor of Munich, Christian Ude), 2011

Legends (Charlie Harper|UK Subs #02), 2012

Legends (Isabella Obermaier #01), 2017

Untitled (Business), 2016

The Oswalds #01.1, 2009

The Meyers #03, 2015

Legends (TV Smith #02), 2011

X-Rays, X-Ray No.06, 2015

Legends (Isabella Obermaier #02), 2017

Untitled (Alda), 2005